The impact of the production and the eating over the environnement

As everyone knows, diet is one of the most harmful activities for the planet. Oh, you did not know? Well I tell you. Well, let's go back. There are also important factors, such as livestock, waste products, and the cultivation of food to feed animals.

To remedy this problem, men have sought for years to find a valid solution. And today, maybe we have one: Eating insects. Why ? Patience, we'll see it right away.

Thanks to our 6 legs friends, the pollution is decreasing

Between raising cows and breeding insects, there is clearly no picture in terms of sustainable development. Livestock is responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions (in this case, methane). Okay, that's not very clear. 18%, that's more emissions than transportation, do you realize? A cow pollutes more than a scooter. That's crazy. As a result, it has been discovered that insects do not produce methane, or at least very little, which has a considerable advantage in our fight against global warming. Wonderful.

In addition, insects reduce the amount of waste produced, as they can feed on compost and manure.

To conclude, insects are thus valuable allies in the fight against pollution.

The insects eat and drink less than a cow, and that's good

You can well imagine that a cow is eating more than a cricket. Well, there's no need to go out of polytechnics to find out. Well, as I am a rigorous person in my work, I will give you some figures to illustrate. No, do not thank me. According to several studies, we need about 8kg of food to produce 1kg of meat. In comparison, it takes only 2 kg of plants to get 1 kg of insects. What to leave the plants a little quiet.

In the shot, do I need to tell you that insects drink proportionally much less than cows? Well, come on, you know the song now, numbers because we like it: Sit down, have a drink, take a little breathing of childbirth. For 1 kg of beef, it takes 22,000 liters of water.

So, production and eating are very good for the environnement.

Bienvenue dans mon restaurant !

Je suis le chef de ce restaurant hors du commun.

Ici, nous ne servons que des plats à base d'insectes. Je tente de vous expliquer à travers ces pages pourquoi.