The means used to produce as much

Since the men had gone to war, there was no one left to make the factories work since the women did not work at that time. The latter then took the place of their husband, father... in the factories. It is then that women start carrying shells in quantities up to 100 000 per day. This heavy stain that was waiting for them in the factories was sometimes very difficult and could exhaust them but it was most successful to hold until the end. It is thanks to her that the factories were produced as much during the First World War. But these women not only produced shells she also produced tanks (FT-17), weapons but also bullets and cigarettes. The trades that were theirs were a very complex trade and had the slightest mistake could cost the life to the man of the front, these women launched the companies that are now global automobile giant.

Women in these years are always consider as people having to keep the children, make food, do the housework and hold the house but one day the woman acts. At the start of the war the factories have to produce 10 times more than expected and the men part in battle the women decide to invest the factories to work in their place is this is the beginning of the business boom. It is thanks to their participation and their courage that during this war A was produced more than 8.5 million shells and 2000 tanks FT-17 (tanks from the Renault companies). But not all of these women also produced cigarettes and hand-to-hand weapons for soldiers.

But it bore a big responsibility because without their production in its factories their family could die in combat and time of people could die not their fault. The least of their mistake in factories could detonate them but their mistakes could also be fatal to soldiers of their homeland. But even by carrying such responsibility it is staying in factories is we continue to work until the end of the war. These women then called the Munitionette.