Counting before departure... 3... 2... 1...

drapeau français

Welcome to my temporal machine I am Wash-LAP, the traveling robot. Let me guide you across three destinations

Wednesday , December 19th 2001, all began. It was the first edition of the 24H du net, and the first step of our travel.

Today, we are in 2023. But, Wait ! There is so much to discover in the meantime, in the second step of our travel .

Wednesday, April 12th 2023, 13h. To finish our saga, we must analyze all our discoveries, and try to guess what will happened next...

Before we begin, there are things that we need to know....

Digital Revolution

The digital revolution is the networking of people thanks to new communication forms like emails, social networks, blogs and many others. One of the most important turning points of digital revolution takes place in 00s with smartphone’s apparition. It has allowed people to not have geographic, social and cultural barriers anymore. Moreover, it has shaken globalization and global economy up. It is important to precise that this term is inaccurate because revolution defines the idea of person’s emancipation at a cost of a political shake up, taken place in a fast and lively way. Well, in that case, the digital side rather reflects a technical evolution, namely a progressive mutation. So, there is no link between political domain and the process has been made progressively.