Disturbing disappearances...

In recent years we have noticed an increase in ocean levels, this is due to global warming, caused by human activities.

This rising sea has consequences, for example in the Maldives, some islands are submerged, the flora and fauna present on them are destroyed. The populations have no choice but to flee the island (climate refugees), however, problems arise for the poorest populations who cannot afford to leave.

What are the reasons for global warming ?

CO2 production, notably due to human activity, is the main cause of global warming, with examples:
-Means of transport (planes, boats and cars).
-Industrial activities.
-Electric plants based on coal and methane.

Examples of islands on alert:


The melting of the polar ice cap (global ice sheet) is causing global warming because it has a major role in stabilizing the Earth's climate.


Lclimate change leads to excessively high temperatures (50 ° C on average), allied with drought, it causes fires.


The Seychelles archipelago has 115 islands, many of which are threatened with extinction with the rising waters due to global warming

Marshall Islands

During the Cold War, the Marshall Islands was a place for nuclear testing. 70 years later with rising sea levels, water has seeped into the radioactive crater


COP21 in Paris aims to limit increased greenhouse gas emissions.
They aim not to exceed an increase of 2 ° C until 2100, a difficult but realistic goal.
They believe the solution would be nuclear power because it is low carbon energy.


In just 100 years, we have warmed the Earth by 5 ° C, that is to say as much as in the past 10,000 years.
This sudden increase has consequences, such as the lack of time for biodiversity to adapt to climate change.

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