Islands on alert

Like every year, the climate is falling apart and getting worse as a result of man-made acts that do nothing to remedy it. We may well know that it is largely humanity that causes its destruction creating ever more greenhouse gases, we do not act and it is what is being seen by the disturbances of temperatures or even by that of the oceans. But this is not the worst for us who only suffer a small part of its inconvenience, following these problems we do not realize that a small part of the world invested in tourism and in maritime developments are affected by its climatic changes. While every day islands are troubled and lose their attractiveness due to bad weather the State does not react and let them die a little more each day. But today these maritime islands entrenched from the world and in great difficulty in the face of these climate changes decides to give their warning signal and to become a symbol of resistance to a disaster that is still reversible.

Équipe 8 : HUC Kyllian (1 Sépia), LELY Hugo (1 Garence), MALHEUDE Bryan (1 COM)
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