2-Constellation Culture

Before leaving again, I’ve decided to learn from my mistakes and continue my instruction at school, hoping that it will help me to find answers. And by the same occasion, it will learn me hpw to control my rocket…

In History

Quite early in history, the question of the existence of other worlds was asked. In the X and XI century, christianity took care of it. Then controversy began in 1277 in Paris. The “Ancients” were opposed to the “Moderns”. According to the “Moderns”, the existence of other inhabited worlds was absolutely impossible. Even centuries later, rancor was still here: some were burnt alive for having mentioned the infinite worlds.

In the XVII century, astronomic revolution closed the debate and proved the universe is infinite: “God” was therefore the origin of numeral worlds and not only one planet, allowing to make more plausible the existence of others forms of life, elsewhere than on Earth.

Believing and Religion

Numeral philosophers and historians debated on the impact that the discovery of extraterrestrials would have on religions. A poll was made with believers and non-believers. They were asked to imagine their reaction in front of the proof of the existence of extraterrestrials. So, no matter their religion, believers affirmed that it wouldn’t impact their religious convictions. While non-believers were sure that a collapse of religion would happen in that case.

Point of view of populations

There are numeral polls talking about these subjects.

The first poll is from the wed side suveryeah, however the second one was done with the “24h du net” participants.

We can see that these polls show a large majority of “No”, as an answer to the question “Are we alone in the universe ?” A lot think that life exists, even if it isn’t as developed as ours.

Where do you want to go ?